Sunday, February 7, 2010

Prescription Template To Hygienist WHO REALLY IS THE PARTY OF "NO"?

WHO REALLY IS THE PARTY OF "NO"? - prescription template to hygienist

The party of 'no' is clear what the United States. All parties if the Republicans actually say, a reflection of the vast majority of America, "no", why the Democrats support the identification of pubs as the party of "no"?

While the U.S. has "no's", why Pelosi - Reid & Obama and the Democrats say, that's what America wants? Including the United States, you are so?

Obviously, common sense believe that if the Republicans say "no" and "America says no, then it would be better if the Democrats as the party is" to Not classified "? As in "no" does not hear the United States.

>>> Oh, I did the work, are promoted, the following general surveys and two surveys of leftist ideology.
-------------------------------------- ...
54% indicated that the improvement was not accepted on the reform of the health plan Congress ...

CNN / Opinion Research 58% against the project ...

USA Today / Gallup POLE 55% against the project ...

Quinnipiac poll - 52% against the plan, only 38% percent of the approved
Polls: Majority oppose the legislation on health care. ...

You are responsible for the health of the proposed against Obama - 55% vs. 39% against the adoption ...


FredP said...

Interesting - most answers about the "party of NO" is exactly what the media parrots talking points over Democrats. "In other words, the audience blindly follow the media that blindly follow the democratic leaders. In other words, the public has a clue and still dumb as sheep.

Let me explain - the Republicans have changes and other options for the health plan'.... Demo made two-thirds majority, but the demo was the Limelight .... and demos "money into the present, pointing out that no entry is made - has been blocked blocked because talks!

Say what you want - but the facts speak for themselves. The party of "transparency and impartiality" was something - who said that liberals and Democrats are finally part of NO.

ALL - grow up and start receiving information from various sources, not just talk about your favorite number.

Think about it - and responding when you use the facts. Citizens who are not bothered to educate themselves fully and completely on the issues - and I mean fully educate them - worse than those having to do research to make an informed opinion. At least one blind person has 50% chance to tell you whether it was day or night.

For those of you who continue to support the MSM - Check the polls. Almost every poll has the form of MSNBC and Fox News before the rest of the MSM.

The Big A -- American Atheist said...

or - if his party get into the middle - very soon - for now, the Republicans against Republicans, but Democrats against the Republicans - the party will come to downtown - and if Obama is still open to the public because in the Last week, the Center clearly

YUKON said...

Before Scott Brown was elected, the Democrats held the presidency and both houses could what she wanted to go without the support of the Republicans. I think the Democrats are not the party.

Master Obi Con said...

Democrats say NO to the U.S. population.

They say: "No - we do it anyway!"

Librals our Reely Smorter said...

Now it is official. And! A is the last refuge of the dull mud libsheeple.

EDIT: Master with OBI: Slope Point.

funlady6... said...

The name says it all .... This administration is healthy with no common sense. Thank you and keep the good fight, like me, every day.

madd texan said...

The game is not the Democratic Party. They say NO to the will of the people.

just me 2 said...

I acknowledge that oppose progressive ideas. It seems more likely in a liberal party.

Robert T said...

This would be the D-Mark. Representatives. not far behind. The righteous is the American Independent

Concerne... said...

The Democrats are screwing the American people.

ithacani... said...

We can say: Yes, go and decided the public (in the order of more than 60%) before the Republicans for calling a group of death and said it would begin rationing of care, as if c is that which the current system, not to mention all the alternatives and you have not already. Once the public option was the bill for the people turned against him. Take a look at the polls, the same as you, but returned when the public option is still on the table, if you're eager to "do homework."

Warlock said...

The Republicans have once more done a disservice to the American public. His crusade was naked face (a sign of death. Socialism) has a fear among the elderly and others who have not prepared to pay for the nose for insurance, the possibility of something new and would be a better option for health itself.

The Republicans say they have a plan to reduce health care costs, but I wonder why part of every Democratic president who tries to adopt a health care reform with the Republicans, the same as damn Tatics House control of the Senate and the Presidency never do that, the design of the future? You know that you have control over 80% of the time. What is the answer, unless dishonesty.

Bob G...The return of said...

Of course, the Democrats have lost their little heads. Check your answers! You are in complete denial and does not care what the people want. The truth is that in this case, people who are parties to none. The people have spoken and said no to fraud by the Democrats of health. Whether he likes it or not, is what it should be this country the most.

The Liberals are the party "Whether one likes it or not, will compel us to prefer our own way! All that matters is the gain control, and people. Her mother is the only state that matters. They need to feel all nice and warm in their little world, and always have, no matter how the majority feels.

The Democrats are completely incapable of even a qualified majority of massive corruption and approve the bill. Thus, the standard liberal tactic, blame others because they could not resolve the situation quite well in the RAM in my throat. Faith, however, that they are competent to lead a program of health care? What a joke.

Commander McBragg said...

Our representatives do not govern by polls. Our representatives have asked the people what they wanted, first of all, let alone of auditing activities after the fact. In a republican democracy, the representatives actually did not have their own agenda. They are after, what the people agree or not. This is exactly what his job. It is like ours, if we, at our jobs, we do what the boss says, do not want, or think better.
The only exception is that defying a republic, representatives are expected to be the will of the majority in one case: if the minority is increasingly being denied a particular constitutional right is determined by the Supreme Court. No right to health care.
Our representatives are in violation. And no work of the President, to right.

Demagod said...

The party is not Republican.
Obama or President is not in the government, based on surveys.

Obama and the Democrats to govern the way that most Americans wanted when they elected a Democratic president and the party.

bluechri... said...

Republicans care much, if not millions of people die from medical neglect. So I would say the Democrats Trump Republicans as the party of No - because the Republicans mocked.

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