Saturday, January 2, 2010

Orange Almond Meal Cake AmI Going To Get Fat?!?

AmI going to get fat?!? - orange almond meal cake

Here is my dinner July 3, 2009:

Breakfast: Weight Watchers whole wheat bread with Nutella
Lunch: Peanut butter and raspberry jam on Weight Watchers whole wheat bread and a piece of smoked turkey breast, tomatoes
Snack: Odwalla bar (only in the United States)
Lunch: English muffin (low fat English muffins, Canadian bacon, egg, lettuce, tomato and a teaspoon of May) and Japanese fish cake, with about a tablespoon of soy sauce and ½ cup orange juice
Dessert: Cinnamon a bagel right about half a tablespoon of cream cheese, strawberry, about half a cup of Special K cereal and almonds 2 cups vanilla soy milk

I am 13 years old, 5 feet and I weigh 76-77 pounds. Will I gain weight?


Anonymous said...

no, or eating very healthy!

Anonymous said...

no, or eating very healthy!

Anonymous said...

No. At its weight, the diet is perfect for you.

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